
British Academy Lecture, Newcastle University
“One is not born, but becomes, a genius”: Another Simone de Beauvoir | British Academy Lecture by Kate Kirkpatrick

TORCH Book at Lunchtime: Becoming Beauvoir
Becoming Beauvoir: A TORCH Book at Lunchtime Event

American Library in Paris
An ‘Evening with an Author’ event on Becoming Beauvoir, an American Library in Paris Book Award ‘Coup de Cœur’
For event details and to RSVP (required) click here

Calgary Public Library
The Death of God and the Lives of Women, Public Lecture co-hosted by the University of Calgary
Kate is an experienced speaker, equally at home in public lectures, literary festivals, or university seminars.
Select past events include the Cheltenham Literature Festival (UK) | How the Light Gets In (UK) | The American Library in Paris’s Evenings with an Author (France) | Nacht van de Vrijdenker (Night of the Freethinker) Philosophy Festival, Ghent (Belgium) | The Rose Scott Women Writers Festival (Australia) | The Germaine Brée Lecture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison | Femtopia Feminist Festival, Amsterdam. Above she is pictured in conversation with Judith Thurman at Albertine Books, New York.